Thursday, January 14, 2010

Devastation in Haiti

1. I was attracted to this photo because of the face of the child. It makes the devastation in Haiti personal. It is no longer just a bunch of unknown people suffering anymore, but now it is this little child suffering. 
2. This photo is so strong because it is the face of a child. Children are known for their innocence, but this child has seen more suffering than the many people in the world.
3. My eyes are automatically drawn to the eyes of the child.
4. This photo tells the story of the devastation in Haiti because it proves that the devastation does not spare anyone. No one would want to cause harm to this precious child, but natural disasters do not choose whose lives they destroy, they destroy everyone.
5. I am choosing the child.
"What's going on? I am in pain, I am being taken away by strangers, and I just want to be with my mother. How and why did this happen? I don't know what is going to happen to me next, but I just want to be held in my mother's arms."

1 comment:

  1. I agree that seeing these images makes it difficult to dismiss what is happening in Haiti. This photo especially pulls at your heart strings.
